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Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast

Sep 29, 2022

Episode 39

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast with host Frank Garay, you’ll learn about an easy-to-use system that is affordable and scalable to wrap up all your “tech-stack” for your team. 

This system is called Bonzo and it works perfect for loan officers in the mortgage industry. 


Sep 22, 2022

Episode 38

Welcome to The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast. This episode is primarily focused on newer loan officers. As a 35+ year vet in the mortgage industry, some of the things Frank is seeing, has prompted this conversation. If you're new to the mortgage business, it's critical to start on the right path....

Don't Just Ask for a Referral, Tell Them HOW to refer to You!

Sep 15, 2022

Episode 37

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay, will bridge the gap that tends to be the most overlooked when asking for the business. 

At Mortgage Marketing Animals and on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club, coaches preach it all-day-every-day as one of the most important...

Sep 15, 2022

Episode 37

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay, will bridge the gap that tends to be the most overlooked when asking for the business. 

At Mortgage Marketing Animals and on the Loan Officer Breakfast Club, coaches preach it all-day-every-day as one of the most important...

Sep 8, 2022

Episode 36

On this episode of The Mortgage Loan Officer, your host Frank Garay, interviews Loan Officer Whitney Schmidt, who has a very cool way of breaking up her Realtor calls.  

Whitney uses a very simple gadget that's absolutely free of charge and so easy to use.  It's a free app in your app-store called...