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Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast

Aug 25, 2022

Episode 34

Would you choose 3 warm referrals over 100 bought leads? On this episode of Mortgage Loan Officer Podcast, your host Frank Garay shares why he would gladly take those warm referrals any day, all day. 

The real estate agents that loan officers develop business relationships with would most likely choose the warm referrals as well. Well, then, that’s your sign to get to know exactly why in this program, we teach that formula with the Daily Success Plan (or DSP for those who’ve been on the free Loan Officer Breakfast Club zoom meetings).

So, how can you make this happen for your business? What to do, what to say, how to plan it all out…the right way.

Tune in to listen in as Frank gives you all the details.

Hear more ways to bring in more referrals by using our DSP. Click here to schedule a free call with one of our team members.